Sunday, March 15, 2015

New Goals-Update-Revalations

So, last time I posted I was having trouble figuring out SMART Goals for the next 8 weeks. I came up with a few thanks to the help of some of my good friends.

1. Perfect Points.
Not only is it achievable and based solely on my choices. Perfect points refers to the 8 week challenge group I'm a part of. There are certain categories you must meet each day. Enough water, exercise 45 minutes/day 5 days a week, eat 3 servings of vegetables a day, 2 servings of fruit, keep a food journal (I use My Fitness Pal- ChristiaP add me!), and contact with a team mate each day. (I think there are more but I can't remember off the top of my head.) You get BONUS points for perfect point weeks and we have a HUGE pot to split between the top winners.

2. Improve my endurance.
I've been running for years now but I'm not getting any faster. I dreamed that I had run a 5K with a 9:31 pace. So now that's my goal.

3. Stop obsessing over what the scale says.
Pretty self explanatory. The numbers displayed on the scale do not define me. I define me.

That's what I have for now. I'll probably change or tweak these as the weeks go by.

Now for the update.   2 weeks ago I was dx with strep throat. (Right at the start of the challenge, yay me.) I finished my antibiotics on Tuesday and had a rash on my foot Tuesday night. Wednesday night it was incredibly itchy and miserable and by Thursday it was covering my arms and legs. Apparently I'm allergic to keflex. So that's been fun.

My big boys' birthdays are 3/16 (Julian) and 2/27 (Gabriel) and we had a joint Minecraft birthday party for them yesterday. I tried to stay strong and resist all of my favorite treats but I just couldn't. I consumed more than a few of my coveted Swedish Fish, a tiny sliver of chocolate cake, and 2 slices of pizza. (I ate healthy for breakfast and lunch...) I am trying to find balance. Eating strict w30 every day of my life isn't exactly realistic for long term. I'm trying to find what works and what doesn't work for me.

I know for a fact I have an unhealthy relationship with sugar. I mean the fact that I couldn't say no to Swedish Fish is a huge red flag for me. I know I get bloated as heck when I eat foods with gluten. Corn seems to bother me. I've not done straight dairy dairy since my first whole, but I've done bleu cheese with no impact as well as some regular cheddar. I think it's about finding a balance point where you're still eating whole, healthy foods and also able to enjoy life.

That's all for now. I'm attempting to blog more regularly so we'll see if that actually happens.

Maybe a DITL of me. Because I know you're curious.

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's all relative...

So, weight. I know I've talked a little bit about it before but today was the last day/first day of an 8 week fitness challenge.

I successfully lost 9 lbs in 8 weeks. (To be honest with you and myself, I'm back down to my lowest weight of the summer.)

I should be happy or feel like I've accomplished something. I don't. I feel sort of lost? Where do I go from here? I feel more confident in my skin, more comfortable with my body. I'm active and not static. I don't necessarily want to lose more weight but I need goals. Achieving my weight loss goal should leave me with some feeling of accomplishment or success but it doesn't.

What kind of goals can I have that aren't weight specific? Fitness goals that are SMART like my friend Brooke says, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely?

I have another friend that's super organized. I think being prepared and meal planning will be one of my goals. Plan the dinners for one week M-F. (so far so good! Kalua Pork, Taco Wraps, Baked Chicken, Mahi Mahi and Practical Paleo Salmon Cakes.)

Finish a w60 is a SMART goal.

I need more.

I need your help. Can you give me your best SMART fitness goals?