Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lazy Daisy

i don't know what happened. I mean, I do. Life. We are selling our home. We are moving to FL in less than a month. Barry works a lot. I can give you a gazillion reasons but not one valid one. I've been lazy. I've been distracted. I've put myself on the back burner. My diet has been out of control. My exercise nearly non existent. I've put on a few pounds in the month since we have been home from Florida.

I'm commuting now to be better. Not perfect, because perfection doesn't exist. I am going to run tonight. After the kids are in bed I will take that time that I usually spend doing who knows what and focus on me. I know it'll be hard. I will be discouraged because I used to be so much faster, stronger, have so much more endurance.

I know that I will be stronger after running than I am now. I will feel better. Have more focus. Sleep better. For me if I exercise my diet follows. One without the other doesn't work.

Tonight I have a date with my treadmill and that lifetime movie I dvr'd.

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